Thursday, 14 May 2020

Lifestory #3

Relationship Embrown in the Lockdown

                                                   Source: Pinterest
Sheetal woke up to the loud laughing sound. Her eyes first searched for Mohit and she was all alone on the bed. She looked at the clock and it was 2 AM. She pulled herself out of the bedroom in half sleep to look for Mohit. She found him spread out on the couch in the living room talking to someone on the phone. She was surprised and annoyed at the same time. She stared at him with anger, but he was so engrossed in the talk that he didn’t realize she was there. She stood right in front of him with a rage on her face. He looked at her and paused for a minute not knowing how to react. Then he said bye to the person on the line and disconnected the phone.

He was trying to avoid looking at her. She was still staring at him and he was very uncomfortable. Then he tried asking casually, “What?” With anger, she spat out, “Who the hell are you talking to in the middle of the night?” He replied coolly, “It was one of my friends.” She asked, “At this hour?” He said, “Yes, my friend lives in Dubai and so this is the right time for us to talk.” She narrowed her eyes and asked, “Really? Even in Dubai, it’s late night now. Do you think I’m mad?” He bluntly said, “Yes, you’re mad. Why are you creating a scene? Can’t I talk to my friends?”

She pulled herself together and asked, “Mohit, why are you lying? You were talking to that bitch, aren’t you?” He looked at her frustratingly and said, “So, do you mean to say that as now we are married, I can’t talk to my friends, is it?” She snapped at him, “Don’t avoid my question. Was it Caria?” Mohit threw his hands without replying. Sheetal turned him and asked again, “I’m asking you something. Can’t you answer?” He replied with irritation, “Yes, it was Caria. And what’s the problem in that? We’re good friends, can’t we talk?”

Sheetal lost her cool and said, “Mohit, it’s been just a month that we’re married and at this time you should be spending time with me, not Caira.” Mohit faced her and said, “In this lockdown, we’re 24X7 together, darling and we are spending so much time with each other. What’s wrong in that if I spend some of my time with my friend?” She was surprised at his reply but said, “Mohit, you’re spending your time in office work, sleep and rest of the time talking to Caira. Just staying under one roof isn’t spending time together, is it?” Mohit irritatingly said, “I’m fed up with your questions. I am feeling sleepy and now going to bed. Enough of this now” and he left.

Sheetal was startled by his careless behavior and was feeling extremely helpless. She was not able to believe that this is the same person whom she loved for 9 long years. She remembered how loving and caring he was. And now he has turned into such a two-faced person who constantly lies to her. She couldn’t understand why is he talking to Caira all the time? A fear run through her nerves questioning her, “Is he cheating on me? Does he have an affair with Caira? If yes, then why did he get married to me last month? And if not, why is he not maintaining distance from Caira?” There was a storm in her head, and she sank into despair. Sometime in the dawn here eyes became heavy.

Sunrays peeping through the window wake her up. She opened her eyes with efforts and realized that she slept on the couch the last night. She looked for Mohit and found that he was in the bedroom that was locked. She called out his name, knocked the door, but no response. So, she banged the door multiple times.

Mohit opened the door and asked her with irritation, “Why’re you banging the door? I’m in middle of something.” She entered the room and asked, “What’re you doing?” He replied sloppily, “Office work. I’m in a meeting.” She ran to his laptop and saw Caira on the screen. She was astonished to see her in the morning as well. Before she could react, Caira smiled and said, “Hi, Sheetal. Good morning!” Sheetal looked at Mohit with red face and then replied to her, “It’s not a good morning for me. Why can’t you stay away from my husband? You’re disturbing our life and ruining our relationship. You….”

Before she could complete, Mohit closed the laptop and screamed at her, “What the hell are you doing? What’s your problem?” Sheetal cried out, “Don’t you understand my problem? Why’re you talking to Caira day and night? Why have you started lying to me? Is this your important office work?”

Mohit replied with irritation, “I’m fed up of you. You are freaking me out, always so controlling.” Sheetal said, “I’m controlling? Wow! So you’re lying to me that you’re having an office meeting and talking to that lady. And if I’m telling you to stop talking to her, you feel I’m controlling you. How can you be so insensitive, Mohit? Why has she suddenly become so important for you?”

Mohit calmed himself down and said, “Look, Sheetal. I like talking to Caira and I won’t stop it for anything. To be frank, I don’t feel for you anymore. You’ve become irritating, pushy and controlling. I think you need to see a psychiatrist. I feel more comfortable with Caira. She’s way more understanding and mature than you. So, please stop bothering me.”

Sheetal couldn’t believe her ears and she was stunned for a minute. She collected herself somehow and swallowing the lump in her throat, she asked, “So why did you marry me? What about our relationship then?” Mohit shrugged his shoulders and replied unconcernedly, “I….. don’t know. And if you think we should get separated, I don’t mind” and he looked away.

Sheetal was shaken badly and couldn’t bear the heartache. She fell upon the floor hanging on the words said by Mohit.  Mohit murmured, “Drama, again” and left her all alone. He was breaking her every day but today she was shattered into pieces. And the worse thing was that she couldn’t collect herself up. There were all dark clouds in her mind that were pouring through her eyes. She cried her heart out till all her tears were dried up.

She tried to get up and approach Mohit. He was again busy talking over phone. He saw her coming towards him helplessly and he disconnected the phone out of shame. She asked him, “Mohit, where I was wrong in our relationship? Why are you doing this to me? You know I left my parents, my home for you and now you’re leaving me?” Mohit looked away and then after few minutes, he replied, “Sheetal, I know I loved you but Caira came in my life and I don’t know what happened. Our feelings are not in our hand, right? I started feeling for her and I feel empty when I’m with you. Can’t we have an open marriage?”

Sheetal looked at him with disgust and asked, “Open marriage, and what do you mean by that?” He replied, “It’s just like we’ll give each other the freedom to like or love other persons as well. We won’t impose ourselves on each other.” She asked shockingly, “What? But how? I really don’t know what are you saying? You mean to say I should be okay with your relationship with Caira, is it?” Mohit replied, “Yes, absolutely.” She asked, “But why do you need such relationship? We are enough for each other, aren’t we?” Mohit replied bluntly, “No. I don’t feel we’re. Why don’t you understand I’m happier when I’m with Caira.” Sheetal could not help crying and Mohit got irritated again. He said, “See, don’t start that drama again. That’s why I don’t want to talk to you. Leave it. Let’s get separated once this lockdown is over.”

Sheetal asked him, “And what should I do after that? Where should I go? I married to you against my parents’ will and do you think they will accept me again?” Tears were flowing down her cheeks. Mohit unconcernedly replied, “You’re an adult, Sheetal. You should figure things out yourself. You can’t be dependent on your parents or me, right? And I don’t want to drag our relationship just for the sake of it. I realized recently that our marriage was a mistake. So, lets correct it.” Sheetal was struck dumb, tears rolling down her cheeks. Mohit looked at her and left saying, “Oh, I can’t handle this anymore.”

She was feeling deserted and lost and didn’t know how to stop the tornado in her head. She couldn’t see anything but darkness. Mohit dropped a bombshell on her that suddenly changed her life. She didn’t know what to do with herself, her life, and her future. In the lockdown, she could not meet her friends, family, or any closed ones. She couldn’t leave the house as well and had to live with him till the lockdown ends. She had to see him talking to another lady, having fun with her, engrossed in her, and she couldn’t do anything. She never felt so helpless in her entire life.

Sheetal was in dire straits over what awaited her in the future. This was probably just a tip of the iceberg. Nothing was in her hand but to live with him under one roof like strangers and wait to end the lockdown.